Thursday 16 December 2010

On the Couch with Swanilenga!

Rosemary, MD of Swanilenga Group meets Lisa, a wife and inspirational mother of two!
Lisa, we met in 2008 and clicked on so many levels. The entrepreneurial spirit was the immediate foundation of our friendship on many levels! To those who do not know you, yet..tell us, who is Lisa?
I am a real women's icon due to my inspiration, positivity, support and role model to women all over the world. Born in Zimbabwe, aged 26, married and mother of 2. I shine a light so bright that is inspiring a lot of women all over the world. I am one woman who has impacted women positively in their lives, encouraged them and transformed many. I am standing for UNITY amongst women of all races. "I believe in educating the girl child, allowing a girl to dream and believe they have a purpose, giving an opportunity to those who don't have and making a positive difference in someone's else whether there is something in it for you or not." 
So, you are a wife, a blessed one at that, with two lovely children, everyone's dream - boy & a girl! How do you balance everything?
When I came up with my idea of starting Inspirational Woman Magazine promoting and standing for unity amongst women I knew at that point nothing was going to stop me, I have made it my duty to be the change I want to see and only I can fail myself - I work so late into the night when my kids are sleeping, sometimes over the weekend because my husband and mother will be there to support with my kids. I have a very supportive husband and mother which makes everything great. I refused for my duties as a woman (wife and mother) to stand in the way of my dream. As much as I am a mother and wife, I am also Lisa and Lisa is an individual who has a purpose besides being mummy or wife. I know I have something in me, great passion and desire to inspire women of all races all over the world. How I manage to be a wife, mother and business woman I am I put everything down to:
You have always been motivational in your conduct and had a strong desire to leave a positive mark on those you encounter. What drives you, what keeps you forging forward?
I want to see change amongst women relationships, I want women to stand together in unity despite race, I want young girls to dream, I want to be more influential than I am now to as many women as I can, I want women from all over the world to help each other, appreciate each other, inspire each other, to promote each other and support each other and I want to see a magazine that will impact all women positively all over the world and because I want to see all this, I believe it is my responsibility to make it happen. I have made it my responsibility to ensure the change happens. I can not expect someone else to do it but myself. This is what keeps me going, me giving up does not only affect me but it affects all those women who need inspiration, all the women who like Inspirational Woman Magazine and everyone who appreciates my input. It affects all the women who need help and support. Me giving up I believe according to me, is a selfish act so in all I do it is not about me it is about others.
I remember when Inspirational Woman Magazine was born, how has your journey been, how did you get from the drawing board to putting together an overall product?
The journey has been interesting. It has confirmed that which I thought about myself but did not have proof for, that I am actually capable of positively impacting other and making a difference. It has opened a lot of doors for me, I am an Inspirational Speaker for Schools and also a hostess for the women in business club, it has transformed me for the better and I have learnt a lot from people as much as they have learnt something from me. It is the passion in me to make and see change in women that got me up to do rather than just talking about the change. I have built amazing relationships with the readers of the magazine and other women in business worldwide. I would encourage anyone who has a dream get up and start taking steps. It has been a learning curve and I am still learning but I don't regret any of it at all. It is not all easy but it is worth it.
You are inspirational to many, myself included, who inspires you?
I am inspired by Oprah Winfrey.
Because I believe in you and your capabilities, I smiled when I heard your recent statement that you will be International & Worldwide, what is next up in Lisa's world?
Inspirational Woman Magazine launches its 1st Issue on the 8th of March 2011 which is international women’s day. The magazine was formerly known as Inspirational Magazine but due to my passion and burning desire for women it is now Inspirational Woman Magazine. It is a magazine for all women from all races all over the world. It will be free to read online. We currently have editors in Africa, America, Australia, Indonesia and the UK. We are going to be launching the magazine in different continents hence we need to get ourselves exposed to a lot of different cultures ( I am looking forward to that) because we know and understand that each continent has its own values and morals which we have to respect and are willing to work with because we are aiming to reach each and every women. Some of our issues are going to be translated also with the aim of not leaving any women out at all - language is a big barrier sometimes so we have taken that into account. Women are a very important part of society and we need each other. Young girls need us older women to guide and support them so no continent will go without Inspirational Woman Magazine.
"Desire to leave your own footsteps for others to follow - Words of Wisdom by Lisa Mundembe Chuma."
Many thanks Lisa. Its been our pleasure!

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